Recognition & Awards
October 18-24 is National Pharmacy Week. Each year we celebrate Pharmacy Week to acknowledge the invaluable contributions that pharmacists and technicians make to improve patient care throughout the care spectrum. We recently sat down with a few members of our pharmacy team to learn more about their experience in pharmacy and working at Option Care Health. Keep reading to learn more about:
- Jamie Broome, Pharmacy Technician Supervisor, St. Louis, MO
- Jessica-Anne Chelbda, Certified Pharmacy Technician Supervisor, Providence, RI
- Brad Van Egdom, Compounding Pharmacy Technician, Lincoln, NE
- Constantine (Gus) Vergidis, Pharmacy Director, New York, NY
OCH: Tell us about how you chose to begin your career in pharmacy and how you came to work in home infusion pharmacy?
JC: Prior to working for OCH, I worked for a long-term care facility where we would bubble pack medications. We also had an IV room which is where my compounding journey started. It was very different than what we compound here. The process was more simplistic, comprised mainly of syringes and easy bags of medication. When I started at OCH, I was introduced to all kinds of administration methods that I had never seen before because home care is very different than in a long-term care facility where someone is taking care of you. In that environment, I was dealing mostly with nurses who would infuse the medication for the patient. I believe home infusion is where I would like to settle in my career, it’s by far my favorite pharmacy endeavor that I’ve come across in my ten years of experience.
JB: I began my career as a pharmacy technician in a hospital. I worked at a couple of different hospitals and a former colleague of mine called me about an opening at OCH. I wasn’t looking for a job at the time, but it seemed like an interesting opportunity. I really like working in both the cleanroom and in the hospital. I had never heard of a home infusion pharmacy before but it was a great opportunity and I’m glad I took it.
CV: I began my pharmacy career in home infusion. I actually began my career as a pharmacy intern at Rite-Aid but accepted my first role at Option Care Health within the first year after obtaining my license as a staff pharmacist. Pharmacy school is a long commitment and retail pharmacy doesn’t lend itself to using all of the education I received when becoming a Doctor of Pharmacy. In retail, you only get to see one part of the patient’s picture and with home infusion, you get to see the entire picture of the patient’s health journey. So you’re able to track their progress, ensure that therapy is working, and help them transition off of service because they’ve gotten better.
BV: I’m the one who’s making the actual medication so there’s a lot on my shoulders. I have to make sure I’m making the product accurately and safely. I’m thinking of the patients when I’m doing this –what if it was my mom or dad, grandma, or grandpa?– I’d want it to be as perfect and safe as possible. I try to be very detailed and ensure there are no issues or problems when compounding every drug.
OCH: What made you decide to become a pharmacy technician/pharmacist?
JC: About ten years ago I was going to nursing school, but then life happened. My plans changed and I was doing some research on different fields in healthcare that I would enjoy. I was looking for something that would be hands-on but would require less face-to-face time with patients. I looked into a pharmacy technician training program and attended Lincoln Technical Institute in Lincoln, RI. That gave me the boost I needed to see that there were very different types of pharmacy roles across the board. It’s more than just a retail pharmacy where you would go pick up your medication – that’s not the only option you have as a pharmacy technician to find work. It seemed to me that there were a lot of different options and that I would be able to navigate my way through those options as I became more experienced until I found something I truly had a passion for.
JB: I was thinking about going to pharmacy school but was concerned with the time commitment and wasn’t sure I’d enjoy it. I started at my community college and decided to transfer in my first semester to pharmacy technician studies instead.
CV: The choice to become a pharmacist was easy. I’ve always wanted to help people, especially the sick and needy. I originally wanted to be a doctor or a lawyer but landed on pharmacy because I’m still able to impact the patient. I was also intrigued by the pharmacy growing up and that transitioned into my career later in life.
BV: I actually started my career in retail and I was asked if I’d want to move into pharmacy which wasn’t something I originally thought I’d be into. I didn’t really have any experience before, but I was looking for something new. Whenever I have the opportunity to challenge myself and try something new, I tend to go after it. So that’s what I did and I ended up really liking it. I ended up looking for something to broaden my horizons and applied here at OCH. I was a little nervous at first because it was an entirely new area of pharmacy but I’ve loved it ever since. Every day is different and it’s more varied than a retail pharmacy. I just really like being here.
OCH: How do you deliver hope to our patients?
JC: I think one of my favorite parts about working with Option Care Health is seeing the patient progress through the compounding process. We compound a lot of pediatric total parenteral nutrition (TPN) at our branch and when I first came to this branch, we had a newborn who needed TPN seven days a week. The newborn’s mother was dealing with high stress and anxiety, and now, it’s been probably two years since the patient started on service with us, and they only need TPN three days a week. Seeing that progress throughout the years is really rewarding. To see someone get better, from somebody who needed TPN seven days a week to sustain their life, to someone who can get their nutrition from a source other than a TPN bag, by eating regular foods and drinking regular drinks, is very rewarding. Watching the required doses drop from seven to three and hearing the confidence in the parents as they become familiar with how to take care of their sick child is just so rewarding.
JB: When we’re making the drugs, we see patient names week after week. We don’t really get to know the patients but we do get to know their names. If we notice we haven’t seen a patient in a couple of weeks, we’ll ask about what’s going on. It’s neat to see pediatric patients get off of services because they’ve improved or they had a transplant and no longer need our services. It’s nice to know that we played a part in them getting better and we made safe medication for them and made a difference in their care.
CV: Delivering hope has always been top-of-mind for myself and the other pharmacists I work with. Providing hope is letting a patient know where they currently stand but also reassuring them that OCH is planning for them to get better and sharing what that looks like. We are delivering the medication for these patients, providing a high standard of care, and making sure they’re receiving appropriate treatment while ensuring their safety at home.
BV: I try to put myself in their shoes. The people we are trying to help every day are ill and they may not have a lot of hope in their situation. So if we can make things easier for them and provide the medication they need on time, they don’t have to worry about that and can count on Option Care Health. That’s how we deliver hope.
OCH: What makes being a pharmacy technician/pharmacist at Option Care Health special?
JC: My favorite part is TPN. I’m able to see the progress in our patients and know that I’m personally impacting their overall health. One of the things I’ve recently had the pleasure of doing is working really closely with our Area Clinical Director (ACD), Craig. All of OCH went through the ACHC accreditation surveys and Craig has been a great resource. He always listens to the technicians, truly takes into consideration any suggestions we may have, best practices, streamlining processes, etc. I’ve been working with him on updating some of the forms that are used in the OCH pharmacy and I have great pride in working with him as our ACD in the Northeast.
JB: There’s a lot of trust between the pharmacist and the pharmacy technician. They oversee our work to ensure it’s accurate, but we are the experts when it comes to compounding the medication. We know the proper way to hold a syringe, we know what typical doses are and we know how to reconstitute meds. If we notice something is unusual, we go to the pharmacist and let them know before moving forward because of our expertise in making IVs.
CV: I have the best leadership at OCH. I can reach out to them for guidance or assistance whenever I need to ensure our branch has everything we need. That great leadership is what makes us special because they truly care about us and always ensure that we have everything to provide extraordinary care for our patients. That’s what really sets us apart.
BV: The different opportunities I have here makes a real difference. I feel like we all mean something to the company and I really appreciate that.
OCH: Tell me about working in a pharmacy setting during the pandemic?
JC: When the pandemic first hit, there was a lot of uncertainty throughout the country. Working in a sterile environment, it honestly became scary. One of the great things OCH did is that they started making sure that each facility was environmentally testing their room more frequently to ensure that our cleaning procedures were working effectively. This way, we ensured that we had removed the possibility of creating any room for additional bacteria to grow. At first, things were quite nerve-wracking but seeing that we’ve been environmentally testing our rooms with no positive cultures on any of these tests really goes to show how thoroughly the technicians pay attention to what they’re doing, and that they’re being extra cautious to ensure everything is sterile. The extra precautions that OCH has put into effect have eased a lot of that worry I had before.
JB: We were very clean before and now we’re cleaning even more. I didn’t even know that was possible! It was really nice to know that I would still have my job. When so many people were uncertain if they would be let go or if they could count on their paycheck, I was thankful to know I had one every week. It was a huge relief that with everything else to worry about, I still had a steady job. We actually received a thank you note from a mom who was worried about how her child would receive our medication and the fact that we took the stress off of her shoulders just felt so good. We were proud to be able to provide the proper patient care throughout all of the uncertainty.
CV: COVID-19 obviously had a huge impact on the world and especially New York City. Being in this area during the pandemic has really changed healthcare, our perspectives on what remains consistent and any questions of what’s to come. We have enacted policies and procedures to keep our team members safe at all times: practicing social distancing and wearing masks to keep ourselves and families safe. Being in the epicenter has really led us to work better together because we’ve realized that we’re coming into work to help people and we’ve come together to support the needs of others throughout the pandemic. I feel fortunate to work on this team in New York and to provide care for our patients every day.
BV: I am really proud of how OCH handled the pandemic. As soon as we had an idea that this was going to be a pretty big deal, we began stocking up on things we’d need to use every day. We began working on updating policies and procedures to not only keep employees safe but patients as well. Option Care Health’s leadership did such a great job preparing and handling the pandemic because it has had little to no impact on my personal life.
OCH: Do you have plans to celebrate Pharmacy Week?
JC: I was thinking here at the CMC we could maybe coordinate our outfits or something fun and out-of-the-box to show we’re united and stand out as a team. We truly enjoy what we do to keep our patients healthy and safe.
JB: Yes, we’re going to paste pictures of the pharmacy staff around the office with their face on a superhero’s body and see how many of our team members can find because we are superheroes and want to recognize our team members as such.
CV: In honor of this monumental year we’ve had, we’re celebrating it as Essential Worker Day because we’ve all played a major role. Obviously, the pharmacists and pharmacy technicians will stand out, but we’re going to recognize the entire branch. Our essential workers came in every day, never skipped a beat to deliver hope for our patients, and made sure we took the proper precautions to keep moving forward throughout this unprecedented time.
BV: I think we’re planning to have a nice lunch with the team. It’s been a little more stressful with everything that’s going on but it’s nice to have a moment to sit back, relax, and just celebrate ourselves.
OCH: What does Pharmacy Strong mean to you?
JC: Being Pharmacy Strong is not an individual thing, a lot of teamwork goes into what we do day in and day out. Including pharmacists, we have to work together every day to ensure that we are doing everything appropriately for our patients’ safety. The teamwork behind the pharmacy is what being “Pharmacy Strong” means to me. We really love what we do here at OCH and with so many moving parts, we all need to work together to make sure our patients have a positive experience.
CV: To me, being “Pharmacy Strong” means that we all work collaboratively as one team with one goal: patients come first. We come together, collaborate, and work for our patients as a team to ensure the best care for our patients.
BV: I think that as a group, we are all strong individuals. When you work in the pharmacy, you could have a lot coming at you from all different directions and the team is outstanding. I can trust everybody and I know we all come in every day and give 100%. There can be a lot of weight on our shoulders but we all jump in to help out and make sure the patient is cared for at the end of the day.
OCH: Do you have any final thoughts to share?
JC: Working for OCH overall, I feel like there is a lot of room for growth. In general, there is a lot of room for growth in pharmacy with a lot of different roles that you can encounter as a technician. Just here at OCH, we have warehouse technicians, pump management technicians, clinical technicians who are contacting patients, and compounding technicians. There are just so many opportunities for a pharmacy technician to perform at OCH and in pharmacy in general. When you find the right one, it’s just so rewarding and there’s no limit to your growth within pharmacy itself.
CV: Passionate people make up this company and we are truly dedicated to providing extraordinary care to all of our patients. We are all here to give the best of ourselves to care for our patients every day and I believe that’s representative of our entire organization.
BV: I think the biggest thing I want to say is that when you’re looking at OCH as a company and potential place to work, it can be intimidating for both pharmacists and pharmacy technicians because it’s unlike anywhere they’ve worked previously. It’s something different every day. You can walk in the door and be proud of where you work and love your job. Take the chance, it’s worth it.
Recognition & Awards
National Nurses Week is celebrated each year beginning on May 6 and ending on May 12, Florence Nightengale’s birthday, since 1990. The nurses at Option Care Health deliver hope every day through the extraordinary care they provide our patients. We realized that what makes our nurses so special is that they’re actually superheroes in scrubs.
We took a moment to learn more from four of our nurses on the front lines of patient care every day:
- Kerrie Hollifield, Regional Nurse Manager in Norfolk, VA
- Eileen Atwood, Clinical Care Transition Specialist in Austin, TX
- Crystal Griffin, Infusion Nurse in New York City
- Matt Battson, infusion Nurse in Cincinnati, OH
The following interview highlights just a small fraction of the extraordinary men and women here at Option Care Health.
OCH: When did you know you wanted to be a nurse?
KH: I think I was about 16 years old; I’m from a small town in Michigan and had multiple trips to the ER so I really got to know the ER nurse, Jonie. I told my mom that’s what I wanted to do – become a nurse.
EA: I knew I wanted to be a nurse when I was a little kid, I don’t remember the age. I was in elementary school, probably third or fourth grade. I knew I wanted to work in healthcare and the nurse was the practical choice for me. I always wanted to help people and being a nurse was just what I’ve always wanted to do.
CG: For me, I have always been interested in healthcare and my journey brought me to nursing. Now, I can’t imagine doing anything else.
MB: When I was in high school I was going to join the military in healthcare. Plans changed and that didn’t happen but the journey really came full circle when my daughter was diagnosed with liver cancer when she was a year and a half. Going through that process, interacting with the doctors and nurses that helped take care of her, us as a family, helped me rediscover my passion for nursing, and that was it.
OCH: What does your career as a nurse look like – graduation to first job to infusion?
KH: I began my career with three nursing jobs: two home healthcare agencies and in a hospital in Detroit. When I went to nursing school we didn’t get experience putting in IVs and an LPN asked me to go out and draw blood on a patient. After I successfully collected the samples, I realized that was what I wanted to do so I started doing the IVs in the hospital before transitioning into infusion nursing and eventually to my current role where I serve as an IV Nurse Manager..
EA: I began my career as a NICU nurse before transitioning into field infusion nursing for pediatric patients and cardiovascular home care. I came to Option Care Health in a nurse liaison role helping patients transition from the hospital to their home.
CG: I’ve always been into some form of healthcare. I started my career really as a dancer and a choreographer really focusing on mental health. That turned into a job with special needs children and then I began working with elderly, special needs adults before I became med certified and finally received my LPN.
MB: I actually began my career as an aide in a nursing home in high school before I became a chef and began working down the path of opening my own restaurant. Once everything happened with my daughter though, I realized being a nurse was what I was meant to be. Therefore, I put myself through nursing school and am working on my bachelor’s degree today.
OCH: How long have you been with OCH? What drew you to OCH and what keeps you here?
KH: I’ve been with Option Care Health for 18 years. I originally started because of the nurse in charge of the business at the time. I respected her so much and decided I’d like to work for her so I joined the company and stayed because of the great people. Here in Norfolk, we’ve worked together for so long, we’re like a family.
EA: I initially came to Option Care Health because of the people – they just loved working here. I love having autonomy out in the field, not working 12-hour shifts but being able to help teach these patients when they have no idea what they’re doing or how they can do it at home, it’s just a rewarding aspect of nursing.
CG: I’ve been with Option Care Health for about four years, ever since I’d heard how rewarding infusion nursing was as a career. I had been doing dialysis but I was looking for something that would use both my technical skills and my bedside manner. This company has been so good to me; the people are extremely supportive and always make sure I have everything I need to do my job safely. I don’t feel like I’m working, I love it that much.
MB: I’ve been with OCH for about five years and I think I stay because of my manager and the people I work with. I also love my patients, I get to know them on a deeper, personal level and I’m able to help them because of the amount of time I’m able to spend with them.
OCH: In your opinion, what makes nursing at OCH special?
KH: Besides many of us being certified infusion nurses, we’re allowed to take the time we need with the patients to make sure they are comfortable. We’re able to do the teaching that allows them to be comfortable in their home or an Option Care Health Infusion Suite (AIS) with whatever therapy they are receiving.
EA: Everyone has the same goal. We work together as a team and we just want the same things no matter what area of the business you’re in. It’s all about the patient and making sure they’re taken care of – someone always has your back, people are open to ideas and you’re not alone out there.
CG: The term above and beyond exemplifies the nurses here. Every nurse will always go above and beyond to serve the needs of the patient and help the organization move forward. There’s nothing we wouldn’t do for our patients. I have an example, last week a nurse, Kim, came to New York City from Buffalo during height of COVID with bells and whistles on to help us for the week. That’s the kind of thing that makes OCH different.
MB: This is a unique environment that we all work independently, we’re not working side by side with our coworkers. However, I’ve never met any of our nurses that wouldn’t be willing to go the extra mile to help to provide the extraordinary care our patients deserve. That is truly unique to OCH and it’s very special to find people who are truly willing to help no matter what.
OCH: How do you plan to celebrate yourself during national nurses week?
KH: I haven’t really given it much thought. For me, what I do for peace and quiet is to go fishing.
EA: I don’t usually do anything because it’s my job, it’s all I’ve known. I just carry on and make sure the patients are taken care of, that’s my celebration. I don’t need recognition for something I enjoy doing, I truly get that when I’m caring for patients every day.
CG: I’ll probably do a Zoom with my family without interruptions. It may not sound like a lot but I just lost my grandmother over the weekend and taking time with my family that’s filled with joy amid all the negativity, it just fuels me. Even the fact that we’re social distancing and visiting in that way, it makes a big difference for me.
MB: Honestly, I don’t need any accolades or celebration, I truly enjoy what I do and it feels like it’s what I was meant to do. Being able to provide care for my patients is the only celebration I need.
OCH: What does it mean to you, to be providing extraordinary care during an unprecedented time like the one we’re currently in?
KH: I think for us, we have moved many of our patients into our infusion centers. I’ve been able to communicate with our patients and explain why coming to an AIS is lowering risk because of our cleaning procedures between patients. We are also able to lower the risk of exposure by not going into multiple houses to provide care. It’s the first time we’ve ever had to do this but it has been successful It’s working so far and we’re maintaining the health of our patients with their care at the forefront of what we do.
EA: I’m still able to get into the hospitals to teach but the biggest thing is not portraying fear to anyone. To me, the challenge is bridging the gap for the family and the patient. I had a patient the other day who was in the hospital for 11 days, alone. I had to help the family and the patient feel connected with their care, navigate the discharge process, manage the patient’s care after they returned home and help them believe that they successfully provide that care in their home.
CG: I build my happiness around my intentions. My intention is that every patient we care for comes away with an experience that was the same or better before COVID-19. Of course we are implementing safety measures that are different than before but I hope the quality of their care is being maintained or even better than before. I want Option Care Health to be known as a company that cares right now and throughout everything that happens after today.
OCH: What advice you have for people wanting to celebrate everything front line workers are doing during this pandemic?
KH: I enjoy the simple thank you’s. I am glad I’m a nurse, the most trusted profession; I just think the simple thank you’s go a really long way.
EA: What means the most to me is just saying thank you, you’ve made a difference and thank you. That’s all I need.
CG: This is a funny thing because when I got into nursing, I realized that my “applause” comes from within. When a patient is discharged, that is all I need to hear – Thank you for all you’ve done.
MB: I suppose, just a simple thank you. Honestly, that’s more than enough; I do what I do because I love what I do.
Globally, the nursing profession is celebrating a milestone in 2020, as the World Health Organization declares it the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife in honor of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale.
Thank you for all you do for patients across the country today and every day. Happy Nurses Week.
Recognition & Awards
Clinical nutrition is not a solo effort.
At Option Care Health, our registered dietitians are a critical part of the nutrition support team working together with nurses, pharmacists and other clinicians to provide the best care for our patients whether they’re in the hospital or at home.
We focus on a collaborative approach because we know it is most effective for patients and supports optimal outcomes.
Click the link below to read the article posted in Today’s Dietitian.
Recognition & Awards
Today’s value based reimbursement programs require hospitals and health systems to shorten the length of time patients are hospitalized, reduce readmissions and improve quality of care. When post-acute infusion therapy is required, these challenges can be heightened, but are readily achievable for individuals who are relatively healthy, stable, and financially secure.
However, the risk of poor outcomes increases significantly for those who: are sicker and have comorbidities; have limited caregiver support; lack transportation options; or have Medicare without a Medigap plan, a deductible commercial plan or are uninsured or underinsured.
Click the link below to read the full article from Managed Health Executive.
Recognition & Awards
The transition from hospital to post acute care is a vulnerable time for patients requiring infusion.
While all therapies provided at home or in Ambulatory Infusion Suites require excellent clinical care to ensure the best outcomes, parenteral nutrition (PN) is especially critical due to the complexity of this therapy and the increased risk of complications and/or hospital readmission.
Click the link below to read the full article in Infusion Magazine.
Registered Dietitian Led Infusion Care Helps Prevent Hospital Readmissions
Recognition & Awards
BANNOCKBURN, Ill., May 30, 2018 — Option Care Enterprises, Inc., the nation’s largest provider of home and alternate treatment site infusion therapy services, recognizes 19 of its nurses for passing the Certified Registered Nurse Infusion (CRNI ®) examination this spring.
The bi-annual CRNI ® exam, facilitated through the Infusion Nurses Certification Corporation (INCC), is the only accredited and nationally recognized certification for infusion nursing. Option Care’s newly certified clinicians make up nearly 20 percent of the total number of nurses to receive the credential this March and will join an elite group of only 3,000 active CRNI ®s worldwide. Option Care bases its own policies and procedures on INCC standards to ensure clinicians are held to the industry’s leading best practices.
“The achievement of CRNI ® credentials by so many of our nurses demonstrates our team’s commitment to going above and beyond to deliver exceptional care, “ said Brenda Wright, Senior Vice President of Clinical Services at Option Care. “When a nurse passes the rigorous CRNI ® exam, we are confident that individual is qualified to support our patients at home, and that he or she knows the standards of practice for infusion regardless of site of care, has demonstrated critical thinking skills and understands the importance of adherence to evidence-based standards.”
The CRNI ® exam tests the knowledge and expertise of registered nurses in eight core areas of infusion therapy practice: technology and clinical applications; fluid and electrolyte balance; pharmacology; infection prevention and control; special populations; transfusion therapy; antineoplastic/biologic therapy; and parenteral nutrition.
The recognized Option Care nurses (listed alphabetically by last name) include:
- Karen Bucher (Tennessee)
- Jennifer Burcke (Missouri)
- Erin Birke (Missouri)
- Michelle Carmichael (Maine)
- Tracy Cashman (Montana)
- Karen Choate (Oregon)
- Carol Dearborn (Maine)
- Stephanie Ferrante (Maine)
- Kori Utter (Massachusetts)
- Patty Westcott (Minnesota)
- Kristen Harrison (Massachusetts)
- Deborah Langston (Washington)
- Jennifer Lee (Washington)
- Paige Luebbert (Missouri)
- Jessica McNish (Texas)
- Pamela Mull (Ohio)
- Melissa Sackett (Minnesota)
- Sheila Schreiber (Minnesota)
- Tammy Wright (Washington)
“The CRNI ® credential is invaluable as a measure of the infusion nurse’s professionalism and dedication. It demonstrates a commitment to the specialty and is an accomplishment that is widely recognized and respected,” said INCC Chair Lisa Gorski, MS, HHCNS-BC, CRNI ®, FAAN.
About Infusion Nurses Certification Corporation (INCC)
The Infusion Nurses Certification Corporation (INCC) was established in 1983 to develop a credentialing program to increase positive patient outcomes and to enhance the specialty of infusion nursing by recognizing and raising infusion nursing standards, policies, and procedures.
About Certified Registered Nurse Infusion (CRNI ®)
The Certified Registered Nurse Infusion (CRNI ®) credential is the only nationally accredited certification in infusion nursing. It assures employers, nurses, and, most important, patients that the infusion nurse with the credential meets the highest quality standards. The CRNI ® credential is also the only certification that evaluates the knowledge and clinical excellence of nurses working in the specialty of infusion nursing on an ongoing basis.
About Option Care
Option Care Enterprises, Inc. (Option Care) is the nation’s largest and most trusted provider of home and alternate treatment site infusion services. An industry leader, the company draws on nearly 40 years of clinical care experience to offer patient-centered therapy management. Option Care’s signature Home Infusion Plus services include the clinical management of infusion medicines, nursing support and care coordination. Option Care’s multidisciplinary team of more than 1,800 clinicians — including pharmacists, nurses and dietitians — are able to provide home infusion service coverage for nearly all patients across the United States needing treatment for complex and chronic conditions. Learn more at
Recognition & Awards
BANNOCKBURN, Ill., Oct. 3, 2017 — Option Care Enterprises, Inc., one of the leading providers of home and alternate treatment site infusion therapy services, is the first national home infusion company to achieve accreditation at each of its compounding pharmacies by the Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board (PCAB). This ensures they meet or exceed the most rigorous standards.
The accreditation verifies all Option Care cleanroom pharmacies — in which sterile compounding of intravenous (IV) medications for specific physician orders is performed — meet the highest-level standards, far and above what is required in most states. A service of Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC), PCAB accreditation offers the most comprehensive compliance solution in the industry based on more than 40 sterile compounding standards in the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) guidelines, or USP 797.
Already possessing the broader ACHC accreditation awarded to healthcare organizations that meet regulatory requirements and accreditation standards, Option Care sought PCAB accreditation for its compounding pharmacies because of its dedication to exceeding the standards through ongoing quality improvement.
“PCAB accreditation of all of our compounding pharmacies provides an objective, external validation of our commitment to quality,” said Brenda Wright, Vice President of Clinical Services, Option Care. “Going above and beyond what is required is what we do. It’s how we approach our clinical services from the perspective of total quality management. This accreditation speaks to our pledge to drive continuous quality improvement and provide optimal outcomes for our patients.”
PCAB accreditation features an extensive on-site survey conducted by an independent expert to ensure compliance with the non-sterile and sterile pharmacy compounding process defined by USP 795 and USP 797. ACHC notes that PCAB accreditation in combination with the pharmacy’s commitment to continuous compliance significantly reduces the risk associated with compounding medications and demonstrates a commitment to meeting the highest industry standards for quality and safety.
“We are thrilled that Option Care has chosen to leverage the breadth of pharmacy accreditation programs ACHC offers,” said José Domingos, CEO of ACHC. “This demonstrates a commitment to delivering quality care for patients.”
The PCAB accreditation follows on the heels of Option Care’s achievement of URAC Specialty Pharmacy accreditation with a perfect score of 100 percent for corporate, as well as Option Care’s three specialty pharmacy centers of excellence.
About ACHC
ACHC is a non-profit organization that has stood as a symbol of quality and excellence since 1986. ACHC is the provider’s choice for compliance solutions because of its personal Account Advisors, relevant and realistic standards, competitive pricing, and a friendly, consultative approach to accreditation. Beginning July 2014, PCAB became a service of ACHC, offering programs for non-sterile (ref. USP 795) and sterile (ref. USP 797) compounding services. PCAB assesses the compounding process based on a specific set of standards that concentrate on the quality and consistency of compounded medications while incorporating performance improvement and ongoing compliance requirements. PCAB Accreditation reflects an organization’s dedication and commitment to meeting standards that facilitate a higher level of performance and patient care. For more information on ACHC’s accreditation programs and educational resources, or to download ACHC accreditation standards, visit
About Option Care
Option Care Enterprises, Inc. (Option Care) is one of the nation’s largest and most trusted providers of home and alternate treatment site infusion services. An industry leader, the company draws on nearly 40 years of clinical care experience to offer patient-centered therapy management. Option Care’s signature Home Infusion Plus services include the clinical management of infusion medicines, nursing support and care coordination. Option Care’s multidisciplinary team of more than 1,800 clinicians — including pharmacists, nurses and dietitians — are able to provide home infusion service coverage for nearly all patients across the United States needing treatment for complex and chronic conditions. Learn more at
Recognition & Awards
BANNOCKBURN, Ill., April 6, 2017 — Option Care Enterprises, Inc., one of the nation’s leading providers of home and alternate treatment site infusion therapy services, has earned URAC Specialty Pharmacy accreditation with a perfect score of 100 percent for corporate, as well as Option Care’s three specialty pharmacy centers of excellence located in Chicago, Los Angeles and Panama City, Fla.
Certification by URAC assures demonstration of a comprehensive commitment to quality care, improved processes and better patient outcomes. URAC is the independent leader in promoting healthcare quality through accreditation, certification and measurement. Many payers and manufacturers recognize the URAC Specialty Pharmacy Accreditation as a key differentiator and independent validation of quality — often including this accreditation as a requirement to participate in their network.
“Quality care is at the core of our mission, so we are very pleased to have earned this outside recognition of our commitment to exceptional healthcare services,” said Nita Meaux, Director, Quality & Risk Management, Option Care. “URAC documented consistent excellence throughout all three Option Care specialty pharmacy centers, showcasing our staff’s knowledge and commitment to care.”
The perfect accreditation score applies to all specialty areas, including immunoglobulin (IG), bleeding disorders, enzymes and infliximab. Option Care was audited on more than 200 standards, nearly 90 of them mandatory.
“We are proud and gratified to earn independent accreditation with this unprecedented demonstration of quality,” said Paul Mastrapa, CEO of Option Care. “A perfect score is significant for us as a national healthcare services organization, as well as for the patients and providers who rely on our care.”
Accreditation is an evaluative, rigorous, transparent, and comprehensive process that included an examination of Option Care’s systems, processes and performance by URAC to ensure it is conducting business in a manner that meets predetermined criteria and is consistent with national standards.
URAC Specialty Pharmacy accreditation means Option Care has met a number of standards, including that it:
- Has policies and procedures in place to ensure consumers have access to appropriate drugs/medications
- Maintains methods to measure customer satisfaction
- Protects consumer health information
- Has policies and procedures that ensure adherence to drug safety protocols
- Follows a logical blueprint for quality management, maintenance, and reporting
- Meets rigorous performance measures for accuracy and turnaround time of dispensed prescriptions
- Has a patient-centered strategy for its patient management program that includes coordination of care, communication and education, patient rights and responsibilities
- Ensures the timeliness and performance of customer service center operations, including time to answer telephone inquiries
- Reports mandatory performance measures to URAC
“It’s necessary for specialty pharmacies to provide a higher level of treatment for patients so desired outcomes are achieved. Option Care shows a dedication to patient education and safety through the recognition of quality it received with URAC’s independent accreditation,” said URAC President and CEO Kylanne Green. “With URAC accreditation, people know that Option Care strives to adhere to industry best practices.”
About URAC
Founded in 1990, URAC is the independent leader in promoting healthcare quality through accreditation, certification and measurement. URAC is a nonprofit organization developing evidence-based measures and standards through inclusive engagement with a range of stakeholders committed to improving the quality of healthcare. Our portfolio of accreditation and certification programs span the healthcare industry, addressing healthcare management, healthcare operations, health plans, pharmacies, telehealth providers, physician practices, and more. URAC accreditation is a symbol of excellence for organizations to showcase their validated commitment to quality and accountability.
About Option Care
Option Care Enterprises, Inc. (Option Care) is one of the nation’s largest and most trusted providers of home and alternate treatment site infusion services. An industry leader, the company draws on nearly 40 years of clinical care experience to offer patient-centered therapy management. Option Care’s signature Home Infusion Plus services include the clinical management of infusion medicines, nursing support and care coordination. Option Care’s multidisciplinary team of more than 1,800 clinicians — including pharmacists, nurses and dietitians — are able to provide home infusion service coverage for nearly all patients across the United States needing treatment for complex and chronic conditions. Learn more at