Get Started with infusion therapy
When your doctor or healthcare provider refers you to Option Care Health for home or alternate site infusion therapy, members of our dedicated infusion therapy treatment team will contact you to start the intake process.
Streamlined Intake
Your doctor or healthcare provider will refer you to Option Care Health to receive home or alternate site infusion therapy.
Insurance coordination specialists
Like other prescriptions, your insurance coverage will need to be verified. Fortunately, you have an experienced team of professional reimbursement specialists ready to work for you. Option Care is contracted with more than 800 health plans[*]Data on file, Option Care Health. , including commercial, employer, and Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Our specialists will work with you to help you find available financial assistance for charges that may not be covered.
Personalized Care
While your insurance is being verified, an Option Care Health pharmacist will also contact you to conduct an initial assessment. Your pharmacist will ask you about your current and past medical history and ask questions about scheduling of care, delivery of medication and supplies, home environment, and any other special needs you may have.
Once insurance authorization has been obtained, your infusion pharmacist will help your doctor select and obtain your infusion medicine and supplies, and your dedicated infusion nurse will schedule your first visit to deliver your medication and supplies.
A dedicated specialty nurse is here for you
Each patient is assigned a highly skilled infusion therapy nurse.
During your first visit, your specialty infusion therapy nurse will:
- Help you understand the basics of infusion therapy
- Provide and review with you medicines and supplies for infusion
- Educate you about how to properly store, handle, and administer your medicines
- Monitor and manage your infusion to ensure your safety
- Teach you about potential side effects and how to avoid or address them
- Assess your environment and ask questions about your status to monitor your progress
Learn About Patient Care
Ready to take the next step? Connect with a representative
Fill out the form below and be prepared with your basic medical information for seamless intake processing.